

I keep track of a lot of people and organizations across the web, and while social media has become the most common way to do that, I still prefer a method that predates it: RSS (Really Simple Syndication). Even if you’ve never heard of it, chances are good that you’re already making use of it. For example, anytime you’re notified that a new episode of your favorite podcast is available, that’s the work of RSS. Most regularly updated websites have RSS feeds, and when you subscribe to them, your RSS reader will let you know if new content is available. And best of all, RSS is an open protocol, so it won’t just go out of business and disappear like most social media companies eventually will.

If you want to learn more, Wired has a nice roundup of some of the best RSS readers to get you started. (Personally, I’m a big fan of Feedbin and Reeder.)

Websites I follow via RSS